Automotive Locksmith
If the key does not have a resistor or if the resistor has the wrong value, a part of the circuit of the car's electrical system will prevent the car from starting. The transponder based immobilizer key is one of the best technologies against car theft. Inside the head of the chip car keys is a radio frequency "chip" which will signal and transmit a unique digital code meant for the car. The car will be programmed to recognize the codes of the key. This mechanism has been placed inside the car as a way to shut down the engine if a wrong chip key is used to start the car. This technology is proven in many ways to protect your car against theft by lock code manipulation.
If you have a broken ignition key, don't panic. Expert car locksmith technicians can help you with any broken car key extraction. Defective manufacturing or wear and tear of car keys often causes car keys to break off and sometimes the tiny bits get stuck in the lock. If the key is not struck too far in, you will be able to extract it without calling a locksmith, but if tiny metal pieces happen to be still left inside the lock tumbler and if you are going to continue using your spare key for that lock you will do greater damage to the lock and the new key. This will lead to early breakdown of the locking system. Therefore, it is important to have your broken car key extracted professionally.